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Summer Blood Drive

SVCC Summer Blood Drive
Summer is filled with vacations, time off and all kinds of fun, but is also a time when blood donations are down significantly. Please be a hero this summer, give blood and encourage others to donate at SVCC on Wednesday, June 8 from 9am-2pm in the Dillon Mall.
Appointments are required. CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions about Donating Blood

Donors should bring their photo ID or donor card, eat a healthy meal and drink plenty of water prior to donating blood.
You can save up to 15 minutes when you donate by using RapidPass. Visit redcrossblood.org/RapidPass for more information.
All donors will receive a t-shirt while supplies last! 

Thanks for making a difference in the lives of people in the Sauk Valley district as well as lives across the country!

Sponsored by Sauk Valley Community College Student Government Association and ABC AmeriCorps.